Terms of Use

Effective June 29, 2019
Last update June 3, 2023

Please review these Terms carefully before using our site (Top Collection View). By using any of the site and services, you accept these Terms.
Your access to and use of the site and service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the website.
If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access the site.


We may occasionally change these Terms, so we encourage you to review the Terms periodically. The most current version of the Terms (along with their effective date) will be linked from each of the site and services. If you continue to use the site and services after we change the Terms, you accept all changes.


We may terminate or suspend access to our website immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.
All provisions of the Terms which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy describes our practices concerning data that you provide or that we may collect about you through the site and services, and you consent to our use of data in compliance with the Privacy Policy.

Additional Terms

Additional terms may apply to your use of the site and services. We will provide these terms to you or post them on the site and services to which they apply; they are incorporated by reference into these Terms.
Contests and promotions on the site and services may also have additional rules and eligibility requirements, such as certain age or geographic area restrictions, and you are responsible for complying with these rules and requirements.

Registration and Access Controls

If we request registration information from you, you must provide us with accurate and complete information and must update the information when it changes. You may not access any age-restricted services unless you are above the required age.

Intellectual Property

The content, information, data, designs, code, and materials associated with the site and services (“Content”) are protected by intellectual property and other laws. You must comply with all such laws and applicable copyright, trademark or other legal notices or restrictions.
Subject to these Terms, you may access and use the site and services only for your own personal, non-commercial use. We reserve all other rights to the site and services and content, and you may not otherwise copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, perform or create derivative works of the site and services or content without our permission.

Third-Party Content

We occasionally provide third-party content or link to third party websites on the site and services. We do not necessarily endorse or evaluate third-party content and websites, and we do not assume responsibility for third parties’ actions or omissions. You should review third parties’ terms of use and privacy policies before you use their services.

Acceptable Use

Without limiting any other provision in these Terms, you may not use the site and services to do the following or assist others to do the following:
  • Threaten, defame, stalk, abuse, or harass other persons or engage in illegal activities;
  • Transmit to the site, any material that is inappropriate, profane, vulgar, offensive, false, disparaging, defamatory, obscene, illegal, sexually explicit, racist, that promotes violence, racial hatred, or terrorism, or that we deem, in our sole discretion, to be otherwise objectionable;
  • Frame the site and services, display the site and services in connection with an unauthorized logo or mark, or do anything that could falsely suggest a relationship between Top Collection View site and any third party or potentially deprive us of revenue (including, without limitation, revenue from advertising, branding, or promotional activities);
  • Violate any person’s or entity’s legal rights (including, without limitation, intellectual property, privacy, and publicity rights), transmit material that violates or circumvents such rights, or remove or alter intellectual property or other legal notices;
  • Transmit files that contain viruses, spyware, adware, or other harmful code;
  • Advertise or promote goods or services without our permission (including, without limitation, by sending spam);
  • Interfere with others using the site and services or otherwise disrupt the site and services;
  • Transmit, collect, or access personally identifiable information about other users without the consent of those users and Top Collection View;
  • Engage in unauthorized spidering, “scraping,” or harvesting content, contact or other personal information, or use any other unauthorized automated means to compile information;
  • Impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation or the origin of materials you transmit; or
  • Defeat any access controls, access any portion of the site and services that we have not authorized you to access

Affiliate Links

When an application, website, product, service or any other thing is reviewed on Top Collection View, particularly when it is of the variety is large, the reader should be aware that it is common practice for us to use affiliate links. Top Collection View may assume that the product is not free, receive a small commission on the sale of said product. Though it should be noted that these links will never be allowed to sway our decision in reviewing anything on the site. We strive, first and foremost, to present our readers with things that we consider to be of impeccable quality. No amount of commission on the sale of anything would move us away from this standard.


Top Collection View relies, primarily, upon the sale of advertisements for monetization of our site. At present, we work with Google and other Networks to accomplish this goal. We do not accept money to write articles about specific companies, whether positive or negative in tone. Advertising on Top Collection View exists in the form of display ads and sponsored topics. As a rule, sponsored topics will not mention the advertiser, and this content will be clearly and conspicuously labeled at all times.


These Terms, including all additional terms, conditions, and policies on the site and services, constitute the entire agreement between you and us.
If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us.